Troubleshoot Your Hair Loss: The 3 Most Common Causes [2023]
Curly Hair

Troubleshoot Your Hair Loss: The 3 Most Common Causes [2023]

You need not suffer any longer and there is no reason for you to spend money on hair loss products that fail to work.
Troubleshoot Your Hair Loss: The 3 Most Common Causes [2023]

There are a few things that are scarier and more discouraging than hair loss. There is no age or life stage that makes hair loss easy to accept. If it were, hair loss prevention and cure would not have become the million-dollar industry that it is today.

Your Environment

Hair loss can be due to a lot of external factors: smoking, UV exposure, free radicals from pollution in the atmosphere, etc.

It can also come from poor hair habits: chemical treatments, heat treatments, using synthetic hair products, etc. More often than not, however, hair loss is your body raising smoke signals of underlying health issues. 

If you’re having hair loss issues, or you notice your hair thinning, it is essential to find out the underlying issue before you can do anything to fix the hair loss.

Aside from physical and mental stress, hormone issues and malnutrition list as among the top most common reasons for hair loss.  

Your Hormonal Health

Hormonal imbalance is one of the biggest culprits of hair loss. The body’s endocrine system creates a precarious cocktail of hormones that affect many different body parts.

This balance, however, hangs a little precariously and it does not really take something too drastic to create disruptions in the body and alter this cocktail. Hormone imbalance can come from many factors, both internal and external, and it can be quite a challenge to pinpoint the exact cause of it.

The imbalance manifests in the body in many different ways as well. In most hair loss cases, issues with the thyroid functioning panel and the amounts of testosterone and cortisol in the body are the most usual culprits.

Having too much or too little of these can affect the hair’s follicles and inhibit its growth cycle. You might want to give your GP a visit to get a good look at your overall hormone health. 

Your Diet 

Nutritional deficiencies can also affect hair growth and overall hair health. Any drastic caloric cuts from extreme dieting or illness cause deficits in the body of certain nutrients and vitamins essential for hair growth.

Lack of protein in the body, for instance, can affect hair health. This is due to the fact that proteins are essential “food” for the follicles; without them, the follicles become unhealthy and cause the hair to be brittle.

Unhealthy follicles can also stop creating hair altogether which leads to thinning and eventually lead to hair health. Deficiencies in certain vitamins and minerals can also lead to problems with hair loss.

For example, any problems with or lack of the B-vitamin biotin can lead to hair loss. Biotin contributes greatly to hair growth and deficiency of this can have rather drastic effects on the hair’s growth cycle and eventually lead to hair loss. 

To counter this, make sure to live a healthy lifestyle and eat nutrient-rich, well-balanced meals. Supplementing with healthy, natural additions to your hair care routine can also help make sure that you achieve optimum health for your hair.  

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